New Landscaping Technique
I learned a new landscaping technique today from Melinda. I'm very excited about this because it not only makes the landscaping look better, but it makes it easier to maintain. It is the simple method of digging a ditch around flower beds, trees, etc. This helps to keep the mulch in the beds you have planted, as well as keep you from having to weed eat around these areas. This has been a problem in our house because the Mr. and I both hate to weed-eat, and when we do we kill all the plants that are in our path, intended or not. I realize this technique may not be new to some of you, but it is new to me, and I am impressed with the results. A huge thanks to Mel for all her hard work and for being willing to help out a landscaping idiot. Now let's just pray that Joseph and Oscar can stay out of the mulch and allow things to look pretty again.
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