Simple minded...

I know this is not going to interest anyone out there, but it is one of the things that I have on my mind (simple as it is) at this point in time. What is it?...screened porches. I know, I know...why? Allow me to explain...
I will say that I love screened-in porches. We had one growing up and I loved it. They really are a simple pleasure in life. You get that great feeling of being out in nature without the nagging insects. There really is nothing better than having a sunny day, a comfy chair, a light breeze, a good book, and a large amount of protective mesh keeping the 6-8 legged creatures at bay. This type of porch is also excellent for cool evenings where you can sit around with family and friends and play cards until the wee hours of the morning without being eaten alive my mosquitoes. And with the threat of the dreaded West Nile virus this makes the screened-in porch a safety feature, as well. :)
The screened porch is a typical feature with homes in the south and is starting to catch on in the northern states. However, the fever has just not hit the midwest as of yet. I will declare here and now that our next house will, I repeat...will, have a screened-in porch (especially if I will be expected to retire in that house). My parents moved into a new house last summer and my family has had the great pleasure of visiting them several times over the past year. Tim's favorite part of the new house is the screened porch, so I am fairly certain that my demand for such a porch will be supported.
The state of Kentucky was recently hit with a heat wave, but in the past few days we have been given a repreave which leaves me to long for enough time to enjoy the pleasant weather. Alas, I do not have a screened porch, nor do I have a can of Off bug spray, so I am left to sit in the air conditioning (which I am enjoying immensely, by the way). Oh well, I can't have everything now can I?
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