Time to move

It's official...we are selling our house. I have talked about this in the past, but today it is really going to happen. I put the sign in the yard on Saturday afternoon, and now the street signs are out and the ad is running the paper. We are excited about the possibilities for a new home, bigger rooms, more rooms, etc. I do like this house. The design is awesome! There is little to no wasted space. The yard is a good size without being too big and it's fairly level without being flood-plane flat. Perhaps the best thing is the street it sits on. The neighborhood is quiet, the neighbors are awesome, and it's a good cul-de-sac street. The coolest feature? The deck...without question. We had leaved here for almost a year when we learned that you have an unobstructed view of the country club fireworks on the 4th of July. It's priceless.
Joseph has been a little upset over the fact that someone put a sign in our yard, and when we told him why he started crying. I have talked to him about how his new room will be better, probably larger, and, if he wants, we can paint it the same color as his room now. He finally got excited when he realized that our whole family was moving to the new house and it wasn't just him. He was worried we were going to leave Krissi. And I promised him that everyone will know how to find our new home so they can come and visit. He seems to have accepted it and now wants to know when he will get his new room.
We have some wonderful leads on some great houses in Shelby county. We also have some leads on a few homes in Franklin county, but on the far western edge. Anyway you look at it we will be closer to Tim's work which is the main reason for the move. The best part about living in Shelby county is we would have cable, internet and phone free with Tim's work. I think when we priced out everything we get for free from them it is like $200 a month! Now that's what I call a bonus!
Congratulations! If you want, I can find you a house in Bagdad...or you could just come live in my guest room! It would be very convenient for me.
Mom and dad left today, and I have found myself being a bit down. Doesn't help that I am in my moody cycle, but I really miss them. They can really be a lot of fun.
Anyhow, I know the house will sell. It's very cute...and I am not mad at you that you didn't wait for us to buy it! :) I didn't want you to walk around in deep and utter shame and guilt. I don't know where I would have put all my craft stuff, though! :)
You are doing awesome on your weight loss, by the way! So proud of you! Today I did not do good. PMS. That's all I need to say.
Love and hugs, Kari
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