"Parenting in the Pew" book review

Yep...this is one of the hundreds of things on my mind lately. I have been getting so much out of worship in the last year and a half that I now have a very strong desire to give Joseph the same thing. For a while now I have been baffled by exactly how I can accomplish this. I found a book (which I'm sure that some of you know already)..."Parenting in the Pews".
I have read the first 3 chapters and I am very impressed with the biblical advice and Godly heart of the author. The first thing that I learned was as Christians we are not automatically programmed for worship. We have to learn how to worship just like we learn how to throw a ball. The second thing I have learned is we are not to go to worship looking to get something out of it. No, instead we are to go and offer ourselves wholly to God. Interesting...I always thought that I would go to my church, sing, pray, and listen, and then get this amazing feeling that I somehow saw God. HA! Nothing could be further from the truth. I should go into worship ready to meet God by praising Him...not singing about Him, but TO Him. Think about it people....it's not about me! It is eye opening to understand this.
So, what does this mean for Joseph? It simply means that I have to teach him how to praise God. I'm actually still in the process of learning how to worship, therefore, we will be learning as a family. I know we can do this. Joseph is a smart boy. We are going to praise God and "make a joyful noise" together.
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