On the hunt
I have been searching for the past several days for a new bible and I just don't know what to get. I have a study bible that I don't really use because it just has so much stuff that it gets difficult to read. I used to have an Oxford English bible that I really loved. It had easy to read text and just the right amount of additional information to make the experience really enjoyable. However, I can't find that bible now, and to replace it will be really expensive. Lately, I have used a pocket, paperback version of The Message, but it only has the New Testament. I really like it, but I would like to have the whole bible. I spent a good part of this morning looking through the bible section at Corinth Christian Bookstore and didn't really come up with anything. Any suggestions let me know. I know there are different schools of thought out there on the right version to use, but I just can't get through the KJV. Not even the New KJV. NIV is good, and, of course, I love The Message. I don't really know any of the other versions that well, so please keep that in mind when making your suggestions.
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