What should we do?

This past monday afternoon I picked up my kids and we drove to Lexington, KY in order for me to make a deposit at a local credit union. On our way there we saw a homeless man holding a sign that said, "Will work for food". My heart was torn. Should we go and get this man a sandwich? Should I give him a few dollars? Was he for real? What to do?
I thought about praying for someone to help him. That didn't seem right. I have been so torn up by this I have not really been sleeping very well. I really did not know what to do. Part of me wanted to help him immediately. Part of me was angry at the very thought that he may be doing this because he is lazy, or doesn't really want help. As the tears streamed down my face last night I decided I would take this delimna to my faithful readers...all 3 of you...who I know will help me to know what I, or we, should do.
There are several factors that kept me from helping this man. I had my kids in the car. I was scared. I wasn't sure that he actually needed the help. If we did stop would he hurt me or my children? If I gave him money would he waste it on booze or drugs and not the food he was asking for? I didn't have a job that he could do...but would he work for me if I did?
The first excuse is the one that really makes me shutter. I did have my kids with me...but would that not have been an awesome opportunity to show them that we, as Christians, are called to help one another? Why was I scared? I don't really know. I didn't see any places on him that suggested he was carrying a weapon of some kind. He was dirty, but, quite frankly, so was Joe after a day at school.
I have been wondering what would Jesus want me to do? There have been SO many clips on the news and other TV programs that warn us against helping these people. I have never been homeless and without food, but what would I do if I were? If I was starving or if my child were hungry...where would I draw the line? Should I be giving this man something that he apparently needs with strings attached...like, you can't buy drugs with this...make sure you spend it on food. Who am I to make that decision for him?
I feel awful for having not helped this man...is that a sign right there that I should have helped? If anyone out there has any help for me...please share.
If you find the answer will you please let me know. I don't know how many times I have passed a person with a sign about working for food. In this day in age we can't be too safe but as followers of Christ should that be the first thought that we think about. The media also has a big role in the way we think. So my answer is I don't know. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
As one of your faithful readers, and of course your mother, I would say don't stop. If someone truly wants help, they can go to a shelter or a church. The police in Chattanooga say, "absolutely under no circumstances make the mistake of stopping". I hope this helps. I know you have a tremendous, giving heart, but sometimes your first instinct (safety) is the best one.
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