His promise.........Jeremiah 29:11

I live in Shelbyville, KY with my awesome husband, Tim, and our incredible 8 year old son, Joseph. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and moved to the central KY area 15 years ago when Tim and I married on August 14, 1993. My time in KY has been a huge blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me.

Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Confession Time

Well...I feel I must confess. I'm back on MySpace. I KNOW...I KNOW!!!! I really wrote horrible awful things about it just a little while ago. If you haven't read that post please don't. I'm taking some of it back. Not all!...just some.

First, I will start by saying that the old layout that I had was done at one of the layout generators and I thought it was pretty cute. Little did I know that it contained code that allowed anyone and everyone to post comments and be my friend. That's not what I wanted! There was some really awful stuff that people were putting on there. I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I was upset and disturbed by that.

Second, I found a really good layout generator that I like even more and is generating proper code that allows me to filter as I see fit. See...normally you have to request to be someone's friend. That's the polite way to do it, right? Well...the old code didn't do that. How it got around it I'll never know, but it did. The new code is awesome and I thoroughly enjoy the look of the layout. So...all you perverts out there can just go away! I don't want your smut on my page!!

I have been more impressed this time around with the overall content that I have been able to achieve on myspace. I will say that there are still some out there that are just not right! You are not supposed to post pictures that are crude or whatever the term is that they use, but let me tell you...people do it every day! So please...if your child is on myspace just watch out for them. Be careful what you let your kids do. Keep the computer in an area of the house that is out in the open. Pay attention folks. Let me tell you...there are some real sickos out there. There are people who are abusing the site and it makes things bad for the rest of us who just want to keep up with friends. Thanks to all my pals out there who keep it clean! :)

Now, for the rest of the story. I have been able to reunite, as it were, with several old friends from college through my space. I'm very excited about this. I got started with myspace again when I saw that the JSU Marching Southerners have a page. You can go to that page and listen to songs performed by the Southerners. I marched at JSU for 4 years and I would do it all over again. I loved it!! It was one of the best times of my life. We were a large, loud, but incredibly talented and kickin' group! We ran actual drill and played real songs...and played them well. I'm super excited about the 50th anniversary of the Southerners that is coming up November 11th. I'm just hoping that I get enough of a break to go see it. If you happen to be in the greater Jacksonville, AL area stop by and say hello to this fine group of talented band members. BLOW SOUTHERNERS!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you get to the site to hear the music. I'd love to hear them again.

7:56 AM EST  

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