Diagnosis - Common Cold

Joseph is not feeling well. It started on Friday night and we thought he was feeling better on Saturday, but by yesterday morning he was running a fever, had the runny nose, cough, watery eyes, sore throat, and ear ache. Poor boy. We have used a steady stream of Triaminic cold and cough strips in addition to his Xopenex and other inhalers. He is wheezing some, but the doctor said it's not too bad. He thinks that keeping up with nebulizer treatments every 4 hours, and keeping him calm (yeah, right....Joseph?) will help him to get over this sooner. The poor boy was so afraid he was going to get a shot, but he didn't and so he was quite happy with the outcome of the visit. In his words, "Momma, that doctor was not so bad." Cutie! I'm hoping that he will be on the road back to normal by tomorrow and he can return to school.
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