Things that make you say, "Geez, I'm old!"

As I was driving home this morning from dropping off the kiddos I couldn't help but notice how old my hands look. I was stopped at a red light and happened to glance down at them on my steering wheel. It almost felt like they weren't mine. They are becoming very wrinkled. I don't know what happened to me that suddenly my body is rejecting my youth. Is this what happens to a 35 year old woman?
I also have also experienced some other instances these past few weeks where my age was very apparent to me. For example, just last week I went into my bedroom, laid flat on my back on the bed for what seemed like only a few minutes, and when I went to get up my back was very stiff and hurting! Has this ever happened to you? I hadn't been working in the yard, or doing things that were strenuous. I was literally just laying on my back thinking and praying.
My knees have been going out on me for quite some time now, but lately it has been much worse. They pop and crack almost with each step. That can't be good! And this morning, after the wrinkled hand incident, I took a look at my legs and my knees are getting all wrinkled, too (don't worry...I did wait until I was home and out of the car before I looked)! What is going on?
The final straw, or should I say the last nail in the coffin, happened just last past Monday. While helping out the gang at CLS Screen Printing and Embroidery with a huge job they had to finish I was placed in the back room with the screen printing guys so that I could get the shirts as they were coming out of the oven and needing to be folded. It's good honest work and I like it. Anyway, they listen to a radio station from Lexington that plays only classic rock. This is a good thing since I like classic rock. I knew most of the songs (ones I grew up on because my mom and dad both like this type of music) that played, but I was saddened to hear a particular song. It appears that much of the music that was new when I was a teenager is now considered classic rock. I grew up in the 80's! this isn't supposed to happen for another 10-20 years at least!! Then...Dwayne pointed out to me that it was 20 years ago at the particular song they were playing was released and by radio standards it is now classic. Bummer. Talk about putting you in a funk.
I will leave you with the wise words of Truvy (played by Dolly Parton in Steel Magnolias), "Honey, time marches on. And sooner or later you realize it's marchin' across your face!"
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