I think I'm getting old

I turned 36 years old today. Wow. I'm getting old. Actually, it doesn't surprise me. I have been feeling older the last year or so and this is the natural thing that happens. I know I'm old because I can't listen to music very loud anymore (bummer), my joints are starting to hurt when I stand up, getting up off the floor is a major deal (which usually keeps me from getting there in the first place), getting off the couch is a major deal (which usually causes me to ponder the need for a second glass of sweet tea), I tend to think twice about what I'm going to eat at certain times of the day (ie, no cheese after 8pm), I have a hard time sleeping in (8am seems late to me), and I can't seem to go one night without having to get up at least once to pee (too much information? too bad...grow-up....I'm old).
Just a few weeks ago we played wiffle ball as a family in the front yard and it was all I could do the next morning to get out of bed. I was sore! That seems to happen more and more these days. Guess I should hit the gym every once in a while, huh? Oh well....that day will come, but right now I'm too busy.
Today was good, though. Joe and I got up early, went to get some breakfast, got my hair cut (cute if I do say so myself), came home to get Krissi, went to Louisville to pick up Tim, drove through Taco Bell for lunch (sorry, Nele...I know you are jealous), went to Shelbyville to pick out a house, drove back to Louisville to take Tim back to work, did a little shopping in Louisville for Father's Day, came home to Frankfort for about 2 hours, met the family at Johnny Carino's for my b-day dinner, came home and watered the lawn, and now I'm in for the night. Whew. I'm exhausted. Maybe I will sleep until 8:15 tomorrow to make-up for it.
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