The NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament

It's that time of year. March Madness. I have to admit that I am more prone to watch to basketball than any other sport. Now that is on any level...high school, college, pro, whatever. Football? Only college football interests me. Actually, only southern football and SEC football interests me. I am after all, a GRITS (see previous post if you don't know what that is). It is our duty to watch football and have empathy for our team (you may think I'm kidding, but it's in the GRITS rule book....seriously! I have a copy).
Basketball. While I have loved this sport all my life (mainly watching it, not playing it) I have never seen quite the level of psycho fans any where else in the world except in Kentucky. My Mr. explained to me prior to our engagement that it was very important that I support UK basketball. While he himself is not psycho, he does have a few of the tendencies. For example, determining the time we would leave for Spring Break vacation by the NCAA Men's Basketball timings. This has happened more than once. We as a family have been silenced in the car while he was listening to the game on the way home from church on a Sunday afternoon. However, he doesn't paint his face or his stomach, he has been known to wear colors other than UK blue on game days, and, while it may only happen once a season, he has been known to forget about a game during very busy times at home or work. The best part....when they loose he might be upset for an hour at the most, but for the most part he just cheers them on from beginning to end and takes every loss like a man should.
What does all this have to do with the tournament? I have no idea. I am currently on allergy medication and I'm not exactly sure what all I have written so please excuse any tangents. Now, I started this post with the intention of just telling you folks about my current status in the pools I am taking part in. None of them required any money so I don't consider it gambling. Actually, I think there is only one in which I can walk away with a prize (the big facebook pool). As of now, I am #125 out of 169 in the Governor's pool; #197 out of 301 in the SEC on to the top pool; and #9 out of 10 in The Point Community pool. I go for my favorites. I have the final game as Tennessee vs. Florida with a final score of Tennessee 76 and Florida 75. Now that would be a SWEET game. Kentucky won't win it all. Just not gonna happen. The Mr. knew that going in so he's not really hoping for much. Smart man!
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