Some people just don't get it!

Many of you know that I am a member of The Point Community Church here in Frankfort, KY. I love what God is doing with this church. I have felt his hand on everything we have done since we started this church a little over one year ago. The people who make up The Point are just awesome! We are a very diverse group of individuals who are working hard to further God's kingdom. Our pastor, Rick Long, is absolutely wonderful. He is a man who is honest and real, which is hard to find these days.
Rick is also a very busy man. Not only does he have his work with The Point (which, honestly is enough!), but he is a partial owner in a local business, and on numberous teams made up of pastors just like him. Of course, first and foremost, he is a husband to a gorgeous and fabulous lady, Paula, and father to a beautiful and precious little girl, Linley. I would imagine he is tired all the time, but he often doesn't show it. He amazes me with his energy, and with his love for people, but most importantly, his love for God.
One of the many teams/committees that Rick is a part of is a group of local pastors who pray in front of and for the KY legislature on a rotating basis. Being an excellent public speaker, and a pastor in Frankfort, it makes sense that he would be on this team of pastors. He has prayed before these bodies before and has always done a good job. The most recent times are no exception. I have included this prayer at the bottom of this post.
With all this said there has been a bit of a storm brewing around Rick in the last few days. The storm has come about because a reporter, David Hawpe, from The Courier-Journal was present the day that Rick prayed before the House of Rep. and was "offended" by Rick's very straightforward and Truth filled prayer. In fact, he went so far as to write an article about it for Sundays paper. Now I am not about to say that Mr. Hawpe shouldn't have written this piece. I'm just sorry that it has come at the expense of my friends freedom of religion and piece of mind.
I believe strongly that God is going to use this to bring others closer to Him. I also know that God is going to be with Rick and his wonderful family through this storm that is raging for them right now. I urge each of you to go to Rick's blog and read for yourself his responses.
Prayer given to God before the KY Legislature by Rick Long, Pastor, The Point Community Church:
Father God, we come before you to seek your grace, forgiveness, direction and guidance. Not only do we ask that you bless the great Commonwealth of Kentucky, but we pray that we, as leaders, would be a blessing to you and to those whom we serve. We confess that we must rely upon you, your sovereignty, your providence and your wisdom. Lord help us to once again look to you and your Word in every circumstance. Forgive us as we have turned from you and rebelled against your ways. I pray that every decision that is considered and made by this body be submitted to you as the sovereign Creator. Lord, protect and keep our Ky. soldiers safe both here and abroad. Help us to be compassionate to the poor and hurting, Help us to be lovers of all life, protectors for the helpless and peacemakers in the midst of conflict. Help us to be men and women of integrity, honor and purpose. Help us to exercise stewardship and proper management of the resources that you have entrusted us to.Father, I pray for the children of the Commonwealth today. Lead us to make wise decisions that will protect and provide for every child, the born and the unborn. Lead us to rely not on our own understanding, but to acknowledge you in every way. I pray that every man and woman in this assembly understand that through grace, you have given us a way to know you through your Son, Jesus Christ. It is in His name we pray. Amen.
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