Kids these days ...

I don't exactly know where to begin, but let's start off by stating that I am COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED!!!! I have spent the day subbing at a local school in a Kindergarten class. I'm not going to mention names so that I may protect the innocent.
One would think that getting to hang out with 15 or so 5-6 year olds would not be a horrible way to spend the day...especially if you don't do it that often. Well, you would be wrong. I have never in my life been talked back to, lied to, and simply disrespected so much in my life! These are little kids, folks!! I don't know what's wrong with our society now that we just allow kids to get away with this. What's worse, as I was going through some discipline with a few of the kids I overheard another sub saying that I was way too harsh on the kids and I needed to not be asked to come back. Hey! Fine by me. Goodness!!
I'm not a horrible person and I do enjoy spending time with kids and having fun, which is what I normally have on days that I sub, but this was just too much! Talking I can handle, just being little kids I can deal with, but when you start disrespecting me and going against everything that I know to be true, then you are asking for trouble!! All I did was make the kids pull cards which in turn led to over half of the class loosing ALL of their recess.

I do have to say that I had 5 kids who were pretty good and behaved well enough to get all or most of their recess. While this should give me hope, I still have the noise of the others ringing in my ears, "what's so special about them? how come they get to go out and we don't? HEY! What's up with that?" Yep, that's exactly what one little kid said to me. Don't even get me started! I'm beginning to think that I should be in a whole different line of part-time work. Any ideas?
No ideas here but if you find something good will you share the info?
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