Where have I been?
Okay...wow! I did not realize it has been almost a month since I last posted. Sorry to all my loyal fans (hi, mom!). However, once you are updated on the happenings in my life you will understand the reasons for my absence.
I think it would be best to start with work. Holy moly! Work has been hard the last month. Jennifer (my boss, and the Franklin County 4-H agent) and I have been gearing up for 4-H Camp which actually ended today. I never knew so much crap had to be done for one week of camp. The paperwork alone nearly killed me. I know what some of you are thinking..."how in the world can one little county in the state of KY generate that much paperwork?" Well, I don't know how we generate it...I just know that we do. We had a total of 208 kids, 46 adult and teen leaders, and a camp staff of about 10. That's a lot of people for one agent to handle, but she did it...of course, with the help of her trusty, and may I say, FABULOUS assistant. :^) I love my job and I love working for Jennifer.
Now on to the home front. First, the children...they are both fine. Joseph is taking swimming lessons for the Frankfort Area Swim Team and he really enjoys it. I think if he could turn himself into a dolphin he would do it in a heartbeat. That boy loves the water! Nele on the other hand has not been swimming all summer. She has spent a lot of time with her boyfriend, some time with friends, and a lot of time with us. Several other exchange students went home in June, but Nele wanted to stay to the last possible minute so she is leaving on the 14th. You got it...in less than a week. I would love to say that I am handling things very well, and not getting emotional all the time, but that would be a HUGE lie! I have cried a LOT!!! I will publish a another post in a few days dedicated solely to Nele so I won't go into my feelings any further.
The Mr. is doing well. He is working like a dog with Insight Communications in Louisville (90 miles round trip each day...$$$...OUCH!) and still very much involved in the Wireless Blue partnership. He is a busy man, but happy with his work which is a huge blessing. We haven't spent a lot of time together lately, but that should all change now that camp is over. I miss my man when we are both so busy. I think it may be time for a date night. It would be good to go see a movie that is not endorsed by a mouse with his own theme park. ;)

One of the best things about the last few weeks is the new Josh Martin Band CD was released and is currently spinning in my car. If you already have it then you know the joy this music brings, but if you don't have one...GET ONE! Help the brothers out (the CDs are $10 and the money goes back into their ministry). You can go to their website (nice work, Rew!) and order it today. What are you waiting for?
I think it would be best to start with work. Holy moly! Work has been hard the last month. Jennifer (my boss, and the Franklin County 4-H agent) and I have been gearing up for 4-H Camp which actually ended today. I never knew so much crap had to be done for one week of camp. The paperwork alone nearly killed me. I know what some of you are thinking..."how in the world can one little county in the state of KY generate that much paperwork?" Well, I don't know how we generate it...I just know that we do. We had a total of 208 kids, 46 adult and teen leaders, and a camp staff of about 10. That's a lot of people for one agent to handle, but she did it...of course, with the help of her trusty, and may I say, FABULOUS assistant. :^) I love my job and I love working for Jennifer.
Now on to the home front. First, the children...they are both fine. Joseph is taking swimming lessons for the Frankfort Area Swim Team and he really enjoys it. I think if he could turn himself into a dolphin he would do it in a heartbeat. That boy loves the water! Nele on the other hand has not been swimming all summer. She has spent a lot of time with her boyfriend, some time with friends, and a lot of time with us. Several other exchange students went home in June, but Nele wanted to stay to the last possible minute so she is leaving on the 14th. You got it...in less than a week. I would love to say that I am handling things very well, and not getting emotional all the time, but that would be a HUGE lie! I have cried a LOT!!! I will publish a another post in a few days dedicated solely to Nele so I won't go into my feelings any further.
The Mr. is doing well. He is working like a dog with Insight Communications in Louisville (90 miles round trip each day...$$$...OUCH!) and still very much involved in the Wireless Blue partnership. He is a busy man, but happy with his work which is a huge blessing. We haven't spent a lot of time together lately, but that should all change now that camp is over. I miss my man when we are both so busy. I think it may be time for a date night. It would be good to go see a movie that is not endorsed by a mouse with his own theme park. ;)

One of the best things about the last few weeks is the new Josh Martin Band CD was released and is currently spinning in my car. If you already have it then you know the joy this music brings, but if you don't have one...GET ONE! Help the brothers out (the CDs are $10 and the money goes back into their ministry). You can go to their website (nice work, Rew!) and order it today. What are you waiting for?
Cari, thanks for the update, it has been impossible to reach you by phone, email, etc. We are all going to miss Nele. It has been a delight to have her visit us in Chattanooga. Hopefully, she will come back someday. We will see you on Friday. Love you, Mom
I don't know about that Mouse comment!!!! :^)
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