Homeschool Project

This past spring Joseph wanted to plant some sunflowers. We went to the store, bought a packet of seeds, and headed home. Joseph was so happy to have the seeds...he headed straight outside to plant them. I didn't know he was planting them in the area at the front of house in our landscaping in between the bushes. He didn't make a huge mess so I encouraged him to water when he thought it was needed. As you can imagine, being 8 years old, it didn't take him long to lose interest in caring for his plant. After two months we saw one seedling. I knew that we were going to be moving so I didn't push the issue of him taking care of the plant further. On our last day at the old house Joseph became upset when he thought we were going to leave his sunflower plant. I told him he could dig it up (figuring he would completely destroy the roots) and we would take it to the new house. The plant not only survived being dug up and planted in a pot, but dug up again and planted in the landscaping at the new house! Joseph watched the plant, made sure his daddy didn't cut it down, and now we have a sunflower that is over 6 feet tall. We have taken pictures of it and Joseph is now researching sunflowers and their life cycle so that he can better understand what part he played in helping this plant to grow. I love homeschooling. :-)

Nice picture! :) Tell Joe I think his sunflower is great! :)
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