My life this last week...

This cartoon illustrates perfectly my life this past week. I recently upgraded my phone from a Treo 650 to a Treo 755p. I love the new design (thinner and no antenna), the new weight (much lighter), and improved screen and camera. I also got it at a great price. However, I have not had normal reception since this past Sunday. At the moment my signal shows a triangle which means I am roaming. Funny...I have not gone anywhere this past week that I don't normally go. Most of my time has been spent at home! How did I suddenly go from having 5 bars to 1 bar and roaming? Sprint PCS tech support is working on this problem but who knows when it will be fixed. I have been super frustrated while watching my "shows" because I keep seeing Dan Hesse on his stupid commercials talking about all that cell phones can do nowadays AND how great Sprint PCS is as a provider. ARGH!!! While they have been okay, I would not say they have been great. I just happen to have some serious problems right now. Soooo...if anyone has been trying to call me during this past week I haven't been ignoring you...I've simply been unable to answer or call. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!
On a different note, we had a great discussion this morning during table groups at The Point (essentially our version of Sunday School). We have been going through the book "The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism" by Tim Keller which has stimulated conversations that sometimes blow my mind. :-) Today we tackled the issue of "how can a loving God send people to hell?" and our teaching text was Luke 16:19-31. It was probably my favorite discussion to date. The staff of The Point give us great notes from the book to help us in our discussion. I'm so incredibly blessed to be part of a church which glorifies God by not being afraid to talk about the Truth and who's leadership works to serve and be relevant to the people of Central Kentucky and beyond. Keep up the good work folks! :-)
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