His promise.........Jeremiah 29:11

I live in Shelbyville, KY with my awesome husband, Tim, and our incredible 8 year old son, Joseph. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and moved to the central KY area 15 years ago when Tim and I married on August 14, 1993. My time in KY has been a huge blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me.

Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I think I see Noah!!!

Okay, I don't really see Noah, but I think the neighborhood pets are pairing up at this very moment. I have really gotten used to going outside without worrying about getting wet, so all this rain is hard to get used to. I must say, however, that we desperately needed this rain, and things could be worse. I've been watching the coverage on Katrina and I thank God that I live in KY. I want to send out a little prayer for all those people in the Gulf of Mexico area who have lost loved ones, homes, possessions, etc. I pray that they will be able to move forward with their lives, rebuild and look to the future. I have no idea why things like this happen. I just know that there is one true living God and He is the one with the answers to all our questions. With that being said, if you see anyone in your neigborhood building a really BIG boat, don't laugh--try to get on board!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Still searching....

Well, I am officially turning to all of my friends to ask for your help. I need a job. A good job. I'm not looking for a job to make me rich and/or famous. I just want something that I can do while the kids are in school so I can help supplement our income. I have applied for several things around town and I am at a loss right now. If any of you know of a job that is currently open or is going to open in the next month please let me know. Most of you know that I am NOT a salesperson. I have done my share of retail jobs and I've worked the restaurant circuit. I need something with decent hours and fair pay. I don't want to be gone at night since we have very little family time as it is. I can email or snail mail my resume at a moments notice so put on your thinking caps, spread the word and let's get me a J O B!!!!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Crazy--yeah, that's right--CRAZY

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted to this blog. There really is no excuse, but I was just burned out on everything. I feel like I have been getting a little restless in the last few months, but I think things are looking up.

Life has been a little crazy around here. Nele has finally come to live with us and I must say that I love being her host mother. She is simply awesome!!! I pray that all of you will get the chance to meet her someday--you will fall in love with her immediately. She says she likes it here in our family, in KY, and in our church. School for her is going okay, but it will be better when we have a finalized schedule. She is coming to our praise team rehearsals and playing guitar and she is now playing in the Youth praise band. Please continue to pray for her and for her parents, who I know are missing her now.

Joseph is doing fine. He started Kindergarten this year and has an excellent teacher. Many of you know Jeanelle Stephens from Hearn Elementary. She has been teaching at TFCA for several years now and this year she has our little Jojo. He says that he likes it and has fun so that is a positive sign. There are several things that we have to work on with him, but for the most part he is doing really well. As for me, I love it that he is in school now. I do miss him terribly during the day, but I know that he is in good hands and I have to let him grow up sometime.

The Mr. is doing well. He is very tired all the time from running around with all his jobs, but he seems to like all of them. Wireless Blue had its Grand Opening this past Friday and it was a great event. They had a "telephone cord cutting" ceremony and many pics were taken. Once I remember how to post pics I will put some on here, until then you'll just have to wait in line like everybody else. The grand opening is really going on for a full week with the big day being Saturday, August 27, when Pat Day will be at the store. If you're in the neighborhood--stop by. The boys would love to see you.