His promise.........Jeremiah 29:11

I live in Shelbyville, KY with my awesome husband, Tim, and our incredible 8 year old son, Joseph. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and moved to the central KY area 15 years ago when Tim and I married on August 14, 1993. My time in KY has been a huge blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me.

Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Welcome to our world!

This is my nephew, Tyler Cole Arnold. Born today and weighing in at a whopping 9lbs. 13oz.!!!!! Ouch! But mommy, Shelby (my sister) is doing fine. She had a c-section at 1:00pm this afternoon. Hopefully mommy, baby, and daddy will all remain healthy and be going home this Saturday. God bless you guys. Can't wait to hold this little (or should I say BIG) guy.

They're still out there...

I just had the absolute pleasure of dealing with Kenny Perkins from P&R Towing and Recovery. We finally decided that we were going to junk our Volvo because it has been sitting in the driveway for nearly 6 months with no one driving it. It was costing us money and space. Neither the Mr. nor myself knew the thing that we needed to do to fix the car. It's a good car. Just a little quirky, that's all. Anyway, we also don't have the money to fix the car up to exactly where it needs to be. And so...I called the guy this morning and he came at 12:30 to pick it up.

Mr. Perkins is a dear man! He was so prompt in coming out to the house--for FREE!!!!--and then was so sweet and sincere in the way he handled the entire transaction. He told me that the Volvo was way too nice a car to junk and asked if I would mind if he checked with some guys at the garage to see if it could be fixed. I was THRILLED!! It is a good car, like I said, and I would love for someone to have it who can take care of it and really put it to good use. Kenny also told me that he will have the car transferred out of my name by tomorrow and would send me a receipt for my records. He is definitely going above and beyond what most people would do to help someone. To top it all off, he also gave me his card and said that the next time I need a tow, a tire change, or my doors unlocked to give him a call and he would come out for free. God bless this man and his giving heart. I feel so honored to have met him! If you ever need to call a tow truck or need help with your vehicle then please call him at 502-223-7327 (day) or 502-223-0671 (night) and tell him Cari sent you!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Oh Uvula!!!

Yes, the uvula. Why blog about a uvula? Because mine has a blister on it the size of Jupiter and it is causing the darn thing to touch the back of my tongue which, quite frankly, is getting on my nerves! While I am sure that most of you have never encountered such a problem I was pleased to learn that it is not all that uncommon. There are actually web forums devoted to the above mentioned problem. And even a song by Green Day titled, "Bab's Uvula". You would be surprised at all the trouble your uvula can get into!

Thursday night I came in from Bunco and told my Mr. that I could feel my uvula and it was bothering me. He of course told me that he could get online and look up some information on enlarged uvulas and the common causes. After a good laugh on his part he realized that I actually wanted him to do this. Being the busy man that he is he unfortunately did not have the time to spend on my uvula problem, but instead directed me to research it for myself and see what I find. There are sites out there for discussing your uvula and problems associated with it, but there are also sites available to the general health and well-being of ones uvula. I had no idea. So much has been written about such a little thing!

Now, it must be said here that I have gone back to Dr. Don and seen him concerning this problem. It really is more than JUST the uvula. The back portion of the roof of my mouth is also very irritated and burns when I eat or drink. It got so bad yesterday morning that I didn't have anything to eat until last night. Not good. While a gal like me could stand to use a break from food every now and again, I have been consuming very little this last week and, hence, I have lost 5 pounds since Monday! (worst diet ever, by the way!) So, Dr. Don told me that I have a blister on the end of my uvula which is what I am feeling and that it would soon go away. He also saw that the roof of my mouth is pretty irritated and so he prescribed me some "Magic Mouthwash". Let me tell you! This stuff is awesome! I love it!!!! I was able to eat pizza last night (first time in like 3 weeks) and drink a Sprite with very little pain (nothings perfect, right?) and I was able to enjoy them both! Ahhhh....the miracle of modern medicine!

The end of this post is devoted to a Chase family favorite SNL skit with Chevy Chase and Gilda Radner. Transcript below.

75v: Elliot Gould / Leon Redbone

Babs' Uvula

Sister.....Laraine Newman
Babs.....Gilda Radner
Doctor.....Chvy Chase

[ open on National Uvula association flash card ]

Announcer: And now, a public service dramatization from the

National Uvula Association.

[ dissolve to Babs and her sister sitting in their living room ]

Sister: Gee, Babs, you look like something the cat just dragged in.

Babs: I know. I feel crummy. But I just can't seem to put my finger

on what's wrong.

Sister: That's too bad, Babs. Has it ever dawned on you that it just may

be your uvula?

Babs: Gee, no, Sis.. I must have stupidly glossed right over my uvula.

Sister: I had a hunch you might've. That's why I made an appointment

for you with a top

uvula specialist. [ doorbell rings ] Who makes house calls! Right now!

[ Doctor enters the living room ]

Doctor: Hello, I'm the doctor.

Sister: Hi.

Babs: That must be him! [ coughs ]

[ Doctor sits next to Babs on the couch ]

Doctor: I won't beat around the bush, Babs.

Babs: Is it bad?

Doctor: In a nutshell, your uvula is on the fritz. Which reminds me of a

little joke. Knock


Babs: Who's there?

Doctor: Babs' uvula.

Babs: Babs' uvula who?

Doctor: I don't know, Babs. But I do know this - you've really let your

uvula go to the dogs.

Babs: Yes.. I have..

Sister: I'd like to share this with you, Sis. [ opens a greeting card ]

"To Babs: It'll behoove ya', to care for your uvula! Love, Sis."

Babs: Boy, do I hear ya', Sis! From now on, it's strictly good, clean fun.

For me and my uvula!

Doctor: That reminds me of a little joke. Knock knock!

Announcer: Who's there?

[ Doctor, Babs and her sister laugh at the surprise interruption ]

Announcer: The preceding dramatization was brought to you by the

National Uvula Association.

SNL Transcripts

Thursday, March 22, 2007

80% Better....still a little down

Sorry about my lack of writing in the past few days. I have been under the weather...to say the least. It started last week with the common "gunk" that plagues so many of us here in the fair state of Kentucky. The pollen count at the end of last week was the highest it had been all year. No wonder! Flowers are blooming, grass is growing, and trees are budding once again. While I love this time of year and the beauty that it brings...I really don't like what happens to my head. :-( ALLERGIES!!!! So many of my friends go through times much worse than I in dealing with the pain and mess of allergies. I do think that I get off rather lightly compared to Joseph and my friend Becky. Both of them suffer almost year 'round. I can't imagine. I would be a bear!

The worst part of me this past week has been that I ended up with strep. Oh yeah! Horrible. I don't recall it being this bad when I was a child. Maybe it's worse for adults. I'm not sure, but my poor throat is still not back to normal. I lost my voice for a few days, had MAJOR throat pain, and didn't eat much for about 3 days. According to Don (my doctor and friend) I was pretty bad off. Upon checking me out in the office on Monday, he said, "Woah! You're tonsils are huge! Even your uvula is infected. If it's not strep I will give you antibiotics anyway because that looks terrible!" I was immediately put on drugs and sent home. The worst part of my illness happened Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning. As far as I was concerned the antibiotics should have kicked in the first night and made it so that I was my old self again the next day. Nope. Didn't happen. I was in such pain on Tuesday night that I couldn't swollow a thing with crying. I wasn't able to eat or drink. My mouth of dry and I was miserable. I kept popping the drugs and finally on Wednesday morning, about 10am, the pain subsided and I was back to feeling like a normal person.

Throughout the whole thing my main squeeze, Tim, has been AWESOME! He has done a great job taking care of me and keeping up with what meds I needed to take, etc. Thanks, babe, for being there through it all! I love you!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is my daddy's birthday. Yep, he's a St. Pat's baby. We never really did any major celebrating of St. Patrick's Day when I was growing up because we were more focused on my dad, which is exactly what we should have done. Every year since I have been away from home I wear green not for St. Patrick's Day, but to honor my father, the greatest daddy on earth. I hope you are all wearing your green today.

Friday, March 16, 2007

The NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament

It's that time of year. March Madness. I have to admit that I am more prone to watch to basketball than any other sport. Now that is on any level...high school, college, pro, whatever. Football? Only college football interests me. Actually, only southern football and SEC football interests me. I am after all, a GRITS (see previous post if you don't know what that is). It is our duty to watch football and have empathy for our team (you may think I'm kidding, but it's in the GRITS rule book....seriously! I have a copy).

Basketball. While I have loved this sport all my life (mainly watching it, not playing it) I have never seen quite the level of psycho fans any where else in the world except in Kentucky. My Mr. explained to me prior to our engagement that it was very important that I support UK basketball. While he himself is not psycho, he does have a few of the tendencies. For example, determining the time we would leave for Spring Break vacation by the NCAA Men's Basketball timings. This has happened more than once. We as a family have been silenced in the car while he was listening to the game on the way home from church on a Sunday afternoon. However, he doesn't paint his face or his stomach, he has been known to wear colors other than UK blue on game days, and, while it may only happen once a season, he has been known to forget about a game during very busy times at home or work. The best part....when they loose he might be upset for an hour at the most, but for the most part he just cheers them on from beginning to end and takes every loss like a man should.

What does all this have to do with the tournament? I have no idea. I am currently on allergy medication and I'm not exactly sure what all I have written so please excuse any tangents. Now, I started this post with the intention of just telling you folks about my current status in the pools I am taking part in. None of them required any money so I don't consider it gambling. Actually, I think there is only one in which I can walk away with a prize (the big facebook pool). As of now, I am #125 out of 169 in the Governor's pool; #197 out of 301 in the SEC on to the top pool; and #9 out of 10 in The Point Community pool. I go for my favorites. I have the final game as Tennessee vs. Florida with a final score of Tennessee 76 and Florida 75. Now that would be a SWEET game. Kentucky won't win it all. Just not gonna happen. The Mr. knew that going in so he's not really hoping for much. Smart man!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kari McGrath is _ _ today!!!!! ;-)

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ! One of my best friends, Kari McGrath (yes, the nice young lady who partners with me on Dr. Pepper knock-off taste tests) turns one year older today. I'm not going to say how old she is because I'm a lady and she's a lady and, frankly, it's none of your business (but let's just say she's getting closer and closer to being called a babushka--and no...that's not a scarf that old ladies in Russian wear). Alright now, let's keep this civil! ;-) Just kidding, Kari. I know you are reading this and I just want you to know that I love you and I'm so glad you are in my life. I hope you had a very blessed day with your family.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Laundry up to my ears

I have done little else today but laundry. It was a good day to do it. I got to put the big quilts up outside to dry, and finished cleaning my house between loads. I must admit, if I were to ever meet the person who invented the washing machine I would certainly give them a hug and a peck on the cheek. Doing the wash the old fashioned way would not be fun. I just realized this is about one of the most boring posts I have put up in a while. Wow. I need to get a life. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The last several days.........

Sorry about that, folks. I was doing pretty good posting on most days, and then...BAM! I got off track. And, just so everyone knows, Joseph is doing much better. Thanks for the prayers.

Let's see...what has happened? Ah! I am once again doing the make-up for the musical at FCHS. They are performing "Guys and Dolls" starting this Thursday and going through Saturday. So far it looks pretty good. The kids are working very hard. Yesterday was the big rehearsal which had us at school from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm. It was the first rehearsal with make-up. This year is a bit of a challenge with the color palate because there are so many different types of characters. I'm having to get the style down for the mission band members, one of which is supposed to be an old man; the gamblers, all of whom are to be middle aged; and townspeople ranging from cops, to hookers, and celebreties and showgirls to star-crazed bobby-socksers. It's definitely different from last year where I was making up everyone in the same bland colors and only aging one guy. But, while it is harder, I am excited about the opportunity.

Krissi is in the Mission Band. She is the drummer. It's really cute. Their costumes are awesome! The boys look great in their suits. Some have complained about how baggy they are, but for the most part I think they are having fun with it. The main costume problem right now is the dress for Adelaide in the "Take Back Your Mink" number failed to arrive. The dresses for all the other girls came in just fine, but the focus of that scene is currently without a dress. I really hope they get it sent up from Atlanta in the next couple of days.

For those of you in the greater Frankfort area, come on out and see the show. You won't be sorry. Mrs. Sally Jump is our director and she is fabulous!! Mrs. Hurley, the choir teacher at FCHS is also incredibly good so you know the show is going to be great. Hope to see all of you there!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Some people just don't get it!

Many of you know that I am a member of The Point Community Church here in Frankfort, KY. I love what God is doing with this church. I have felt his hand on everything we have done since we started this church a little over one year ago. The people who make up The Point are just awesome! We are a very diverse group of individuals who are working hard to further God's kingdom. Our pastor, Rick Long, is absolutely wonderful. He is a man who is honest and real, which is hard to find these days.

Rick is also a very busy man. Not only does he have his work with The Point (which, honestly is enough!), but he is a partial owner in a local business, and on numberous teams made up of pastors just like him. Of course, first and foremost, he is a husband to a gorgeous and fabulous lady, Paula, and father to a beautiful and precious little girl, Linley. I would imagine he is tired all the time, but he often doesn't show it. He amazes me with his energy, and with his love for people, but most importantly, his love for God.

One of the many teams/committees that Rick is a part of is a group of local pastors who pray in front of and for the KY legislature on a rotating basis. Being an excellent public speaker, and a pastor in Frankfort, it makes sense that he would be on this team of pastors. He has prayed before these bodies before and has always done a good job. The most recent times are no exception. I have included this prayer at the bottom of this post.

With all this said there has been a bit of a storm brewing around Rick in the last few days. The storm has come about because a reporter, David Hawpe, from The Courier-Journal was present the day that Rick prayed before the House of Rep. and was "offended" by Rick's very straightforward and Truth filled prayer. In fact, he went so far as to write an article about it for Sundays paper. Now I am not about to say that Mr. Hawpe shouldn't have written this piece. I'm just sorry that it has come at the expense of my friends freedom of religion and piece of mind.

I believe strongly that God is going to use this to bring others closer to Him. I also know that God is going to be with Rick and his wonderful family through this storm that is raging for them right now. I urge each of you to go to Rick's blog and read for yourself his responses.

Prayer given to God before the KY Legislature by Rick Long, Pastor, The Point Community Church:
Father God, we come before you to seek your grace, forgiveness, direction and guidance. Not only do we ask that you bless the great Commonwealth of Kentucky, but we pray that we, as leaders, would be a blessing to you and to those whom we serve. We confess that we must rely upon you, your sovereignty, your providence and your wisdom. Lord help us to once again look to you and your Word in every circumstance. Forgive us as we have turned from you and rebelled against your ways. I pray that every decision that is considered and made by this body be submitted to you as the sovereign Creator. Lord, protect and keep our Ky. soldiers safe both here and abroad. Help us to be compassionate to the poor and hurting, Help us to be lovers of all life, protectors for the helpless and peacemakers in the midst of conflict. Help us to be men and women of integrity, honor and purpose. Help us to exercise stewardship and proper management of the resources that you have entrusted us to.Father, I pray for the children of the Commonwealth today. Lead us to make wise decisions that will protect and provide for every child, the born and the unborn. Lead us to rely not on our own understanding, but to acknowledge you in every way. I pray that every man and woman in this assembly understand that through grace, you have given us a way to know you through your Son, Jesus Christ. It is in His name we pray. Amen.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Diagnosis - Common Cold

Joseph is not feeling well. It started on Friday night and we thought he was feeling better on Saturday, but by yesterday morning he was running a fever, had the runny nose, cough, watery eyes, sore throat, and ear ache. Poor boy. We have used a steady stream of Triaminic cold and cough strips in addition to his Xopenex and other inhalers. He is wheezing some, but the doctor said it's not too bad. He thinks that keeping up with nebulizer treatments every 4 hours, and keeping him calm (yeah, right....Joseph?) will help him to get over this sooner. The poor boy was so afraid he was going to get a shot, but he didn't and so he was quite happy with the outcome of the visit. In his words, "Momma, that doctor was not so bad." Cutie! I'm hoping that he will be on the road back to normal by tomorrow and he can return to school.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Airplane Day 2007

It's hard to believe that Joe has been with us for 6 years now. On February 22, 2001 we flew out of Louisville on a journey that changed our lives forever! On March 3, 2001 we returned home with Pattana Yardsangkad (now named Joseph Pattana Chase) as our 13 month old son.

It was an awesome day. Don't get me wrong...we were completely exhausted, horribly jet-lagged, and in desperate need of our normal American food. Probably the worst part for me was the fact that I smelled like pee. Yep, my new, precious son had at first pooped everywhere (and this took place at the 4 hour mark of our 27 hour journey home), and then his diaper leaked, badly, and we were both soaked (this happened at the 17 hour mark). We had plenty of clothes to change Joe, but, alas, I only had the clothes on my back....the rest were stowed neatly in the luggage compartments of the airplanes we rode on. Still...it was an awesome day!

Once we arrived in Minneapolis we went through all the customs and immigration stuff and then it was time to find good ole' greasy fast food. Who else but McDonald's could supply the much needed high fat food products we craved. It was Joseph's first taste of Ronald's fries and he has been hooked ever since. Once we arrived in Louisville my mom was there to pick us up and take us home to Frankfort. She was so happy for us and it was great to have her, and eventually my dad, too, help us out while we adjusted to being parents.

Our Airplane Day tradition is to go out to eat with Betty and Jerry and the rest of the family at Tony Roma's in Lexington. Why? Well...there was a Tony Roma's in Bangkok that was only a half a block from our hotel and so we ate there every night. It was a comfort thing while being in a strange country, a strange city, and doing things that were completely foreign to us. And on the final night in Thailand, we had a party at Tony Roma's with all the American families that had gone on this adoption journey with us.

Needless to say, at this very moment I am very full. My belly is full from awesome Tony Roma's, and my heart is full because I have been blessed with a precious child and a great family to help us raise him. We really could not do any of it without the help of grandparents and aunts, uncles, and cousins. Thank you all and know that I love you very much.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm much better today....thank you.

Seriously, I am feeling much better. I talked with several friends yesterday on the phone, email and chat and that helped out a lot. Kari prayed with me and really lifted me up to the Lord which was the greatest help of all. Thanks Kari.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

As the Mood Changes...........

