His promise.........Jeremiah 29:11

I live in Shelbyville, KY with my awesome husband, Tim, and our incredible 8 year old son, Joseph. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and moved to the central KY area 15 years ago when Tim and I married on August 14, 1993. My time in KY has been a huge blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me.

Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Great service

I have no idea what is wrong with my computer. Or, well, maybe it's me. No...it's the computer. It's German...belongs to Nele...that must be the problem. Anyway, here is what I meant post...

We had a great service on Sunday morning at The Point Community Church. There were 3 people baptized...always inspiring! And Rick delivered an EXCELLENT sermon. The challenges placed before the church were really thought provoking. The main one being to fast for the month of May for our church. The Mr. has fasted several times and he speaks highly of its affects. I, on the other hand, have never done it and I am a little bit leary. Usually if something works for my husband I jump on board with him and we experience it together. But, like he has said, fasting...for any reason...is a truly personal matter. So...what do I do? I have decided to work hard for some quiet time to be with God by cutting back on TV. I probably should go cold turkey, but I have never been one to do that, so...I'm doing the best I can.ยด

The other great part of our service was the end where the members of the church came to the front and prayed together. It was very moving. We had 111 people there and the new people said they wanted to return. AWESOME!! God is doing great things at TPCC. If you don't have a church, and are in the area, then please stop by. We would love to see you and share the love of the one, true, living God.

God bless and have a great week.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Can I get an additional 24...please

There are not enough hours in the day. I have finally said it...that dreaded cliche about the lack of time to accomplish all that needs to be done. I have always disliked this phase because I know that no one is going to die if I don't complete my tasks, and therefore, things can be taken care of tomorrow. Well, not anymore. My new job, which I absolutely LOVE, and a husband and two kids, have caused my schedule to become a total psychotic mess. Allow me to explain....

Last night I attended the "last" FCHS Choir Boosters meeting of the 2005-2006 school year. I signed on to be part of this organization in order to help Nele have a great year as a member of the FCHS Choristers. And, up to this point, it has been a huge help. When I walked in the door (5 minutes late---thanks, Nele) I was handed a piece of paper that contained all the dates for choir events up until the end of the school year (26 days left). As I looked over this schedule and then compared it to my planner, I realized that I was double or even sometimes triple booked for several dates in May. I became immediately depressed. The dates that were double booked were not piddly, little events that we could skip out on if we wanted to. Oh no, these were the big ones...Joe's graduation from Kindergarten, choir concerts, band concerts, prom, state language day at UK, 4-H camp sign-up (my baby at work), 4-H Environmental camp, TPCC services, 4-H Fashion Revue, North Central Camp clean-up day, Cedarmore clean-up, Music in the parks, band banquet, choir banquet, the JMB concerts...the list goes on and on. I wanted to cry. The sad part is...there is actually one day where I have 4 things scheduled at one time. No joke. I don't know how to get to any of them, but I don't know how to get out of any of them either. What's worse?...well, none of the things on the calendar include time for keeping the house clean, or actually CARING for or being with my loved ones in a meaningful way.

So, if you see me sleeping out in public, please...let me sleep...unless I'm snoring loudly and I am disturbing people. It's entirely possible that it will be the only sleep I will get that day. Best of luck to all of you in May and here's hoping that I get to stop and write again before I'm taken off to the looney bin.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Horrible, but understandable news

Well, the new JMB cd release is being delayed a little due to some tweaking of the whole thing. While I am disappointed for myself and others who are eagerly awaiting this album, I do understand why they are doing it, and I truly believe that the final product is going to be well worth the wait. Stay tuned (some pun intended) for the new release date.

And the hits just keep on comin'

I have heard another awesome song. I have not been the biggest David Crowder fan in the world so this may come as a shock to some of you, but I do like to listen to him (yes, Andrew, I have finally been won over). Anyway, the song "No One Like You" on the Illuminate album is a totally ROCKIN' song!! I first heard it on Thursday night at praise team rehearsal and I feel in love with it. It is also really cool that Nele loves that song. It makes it fun. We practiced it this afternoon...just messin' around. She is a great guitar player...no matter what she says. Joe is still a little afraid of the Crowder, but I know he will be won over just like his momma.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Good post from Josh Martin

I want to recommend that everyone go to the JMB website and read the latest post about salvation. It is a must for anyone who has ever doubted their standing with God.

New Josh Martin Band CD to release April 29th

My favorite band has got to be the Josh Martin Band. They Rock! There are other bands that I like, but I have a good friend who is the drummer for the JMB, and the bass player is dating my exchange daughter, so they are extra special in my heart. All of the guys are good, strong, Christian men who are using the gifts that God has given them for His glory. Pretty cool, really.

I was given the priviledge of getting to take this album out for a 24 hour spin and I am hooked. I LOVE it!!! Honestly, it is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. There is a musical style for every taste. Get yours early...this one is going to go quick!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Favorite Songs...new and old

Lately I have found several songs that are really speaking to my heart. One of my favorites is the new Mercy Me song, "So Long Self". It is very much in a the style of Chicago which I have not heard in a long time. As far as I know the album containing this song will not be available until September! That's just dreadful.

Another song that I have discovered just this week is "Wherever He Leads I'll Go". I know, I know. This song is ages old...more accurately--written in 1936. Well, I was raised Methodist and this song is apparently a Baptist standard. At any rate, I know it now and I LOVE it!!!! The words are awesome, and the melody is soothing. Put them together and you've got great music. If you don't know this song I highly recommend that you learn it.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

We have a dress!!!!

I am very happy to report that Nele has finally purchased a dress and, let me tell you...it is gorgeous!!! She didn't want a black dress, but that is what she got. However, it is embroidered with turquois thread and white and turquois iridesent beads. Incredibly cool and she looks amazing. The search for this dress was exhausting, but the outcome was well worth the time and effort. I know that Derek will be stunned by her beauty and they will be the hottest couple in town.

I must send out a huge shout-out to Wendy's Bridal Boutique of Cincinnati, OH for their wonderful selection, and expertise. The sales people were excellent. Thanks to all of the women who helped us and put up with us as we stayed in their shop for 2 and a half hours (seriously...I think they were afraid we were moving in).

Also, a big thanks to all of our friends who have listened to us over the last few months while trying to decide the color, style, etc. for the dress. We are grateful to all of you. Make plans to come and see the gorgeous couple on the big day--May 13th.

Friday, April 07, 2006

I know you guys love me, but please!

Am I really that popular. HA! No, I'm not. For those of you out there who have been patiently (and not so patiently--Andrew...Stephanie) awaiting this posting all I can say is..."are you serious?" Come on! I am not that entertaining. (those of you who wish to post a rebuttle please do so at your earliest convenience.)

Anyway, for those of you who don't know me (or who do and are saying, "Oy vey! She's back!") I am going to try and start writing again. As is evident from the date of my last post it has been quite some time since I last expressed myself in blogland. So, here is the latest...don't get too excited...I lead a VERY boring life.

Work for me has gone surprisingly well. As a matter of fact, I am being ever so slightly promoted to the position of 4-H Program Assistant. Yes, I will be out warping the minds of school children all across the greater Franklin County area. Poor babies. No, seriously. I am very excited about this job. Jennifer Hudnall, the 4-H Agent...and, of course, my boss, is truly awesome. She has a big heart for kids and for 4-H which makes my job all the more fun. I will be going to 4-H Camp this year...awesome!...and even helping to start a new Cloverbuds 4-H program for younger kids who want to get involved in 4-H (namely kids K-3rd grade). This move will allow me an even greater opportunity to learn the 4-H program here and hopefully, one day, get a larger promotion to 4-H agent if they ever add another agent in our county (we need one BAD!!!--Jennifer does an awesome job, but there is so much to do she can't do it by herself).

The kids are doing great. Joseph's speech is getting better and better every day. He is supposed to start taking drum lessons from Andrew soon and I think he is really excited about it. He asked me just the other night when Andrew was going to let him play. He really likes music so I think he is going to make a great drummer. Nele is doing great, also. Her grades are awesome--Principal's List at FCHS every time this year, which means all A's--and we are very proud of her. She was in the FCHS production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" in March and that was a LOT of fun. She played the part of a wife and an adoring girl. She was great in both parts. The kids did a great job with the show. We just returned a few days ago from taking her to NYC for a long weekend. It was her first trip to the big city and she had a great time! We took her to see "Rent" on Sunday and she loved it! It was a very good show (the Mr. and I have seen it before) and a wonderful trip all the way around.

The Mr. has a new job in Louisville working for Insight Communications. It is a job that he loves! We were not sure about it at first, what with gas prices what they are, but when the company came back with the number they did he just couldn't let it pass him by. For those who don't know, he has about an hour drive one way to work every day from Frankfort. But, he is driving our nice car (me...I'm in the crappy Volvo...but I'm local so it makes sense) and he listens to books on tape. Really...what more could a librarian/attorney/computer geek/musician want in life? :)

Okay. That's enough for now. If it's not then your life is more boring than mine and that is just sad. I hope that everyone has a great weekend and maybe I'll try and post a bit more. What? I told you my life is boring!