Election Day, November 4th, 2008

Just about everyone I know is really sick of seeing political ads...especially ones where one candidate disparages their opponent. There are some real horrible ones here in Kentucky, as I'm sure there are in every state. In this regard, November 4th cannot come fast enough for me. :-)
This past Sunday our pastor, Rick Long, did a great job talking about the upcoming election. This is hard to do for just about anyone, but to give ideas and opinions gracefully in a political city like Frankfort, KY takes guts. When I say he did a great job that is actually an understatement. I was moved by what he said. The majority of the sermon did not focus on the election or politics at all, but his statements about the presidential election really stuck with me. To paraphrase, Rick told us that no president, Republican or Democrat, ever changed anyones life...this is only done by Jesus Christ. It helped me to put the whole thing into perspective. I guess you must understand that Rick was a political science major and keeps up with most political issues facing the nation, our state, and the city of Frankfort, so I always respect his opinion. He also told us that he is a one issue voter. This makes a lot of sense to me since there is so much on each candidates platform it becomes difficult to keep up with it all. The issue he is concerned with is pro-life and that is the same for me.
I don't want to tell any of you (or rather the one person who will read this blog) how to vote. I just want to tell you that you should vote. Research your candidates and make an informed decision. Have a great week! :-)