His promise.........Jeremiah 29:11
I live in Shelbyville, KY with my awesome husband, Tim, and our incredible 8 year old son, Joseph. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and moved to the central KY area 15 years ago when Tim and I married on August 14, 1993. My time in KY has been a huge blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007
Time to move

It's official...we are selling our house. I have talked about this in the past, but today it is really going to happen. I put the sign in the yard on Saturday afternoon, and now the street signs are out and the ad is running the paper. We are excited about the possibilities for a new home, bigger rooms, more rooms, etc. I do like this house. The design is awesome! There is little to no wasted space. The yard is a good size without being too big and it's fairly level without being flood-plane flat. Perhaps the best thing is the street it sits on. The neighborhood is quiet, the neighbors are awesome, and it's a good cul-de-sac street. The coolest feature? The deck...without question. We had leaved here for almost a year when we learned that you have an unobstructed view of the country club fireworks on the 4th of July. It's priceless.
Joseph has been a little upset over the fact that someone put a sign in our yard, and when we told him why he started crying. I have talked to him about how his new room will be better, probably larger, and, if he wants, we can paint it the same color as his room now. He finally got excited when he realized that our whole family was moving to the new house and it wasn't just him. He was worried we were going to leave Krissi. And I promised him that everyone will know how to find our new home so they can come and visit. He seems to have accepted it and now wants to know when he will get his new room.
We have some wonderful leads on some great houses in Shelby county. We also have some leads on a few homes in Franklin county, but on the far western edge. Anyway you look at it we will be closer to Tim's work which is the main reason for the move. The best part about living in Shelby county is we would have cable, internet and phone free with Tim's work. I think when we priced out everything we get for free from them it is like $200 a month! Now that's what I call a bonus!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Uh oh...
Ha! I was all ready to blog about something and it has completely left me. Oh well. I guess I can just bore you all with some mindless ranting.
Today was a good day here at the house. I was able to accomplish quite a lot. All the rooms are clean and no one is coming to visit. ;) I have done laundry, cooked, designed an ad for the sale of our house, talked with Nele on chat, taken the kids to and from school, and it's only 3:45pm! Yeah, I'm tired, but that's nothing new. I'm always tired.
Plus I have eaten well. This has been somewhat of an issue (as if you couldn't tell) for me the last several years. I have recently signed on to fitday.com and this is helping me to keep up with my eating habits and activities. So far I have actually lost 3 pounds. I know this doesn't sound like much, but if I can maintain this amount of weight loss for the next 6 months I will be on my way back to my old self. It's pretty exciting.
As for the rest of the family, Joseph is doing well. He had a great day at school. I don't know about Krissi yet. She is at school until about 7pm tonight because of musical rehearsal (FCHS is doing "Guys and Dolls" in March...it should be fun). Yesterday was a good day for her because she met with some people from SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) in Louisville and got some great feedback on her portfolio and her admission packet. She was very happy about the way things turned out. Tim is still working hard in Louisville. He is really starting to dislike the drive so this is a major factor for our selling the house. We are hoping to be on the other side of town in either Bentwoods or Cedar Creek, or out Hwy 151 or 395. There is a great possibility we can even be out as far as Osprey Cove in Shelbyville! I'm still not completely sold on that idea, but it would mean a 20 minute commute for Tim as opposed to an hour! It would mean 20 minutes to The Point rather than the 15 it takes now. The biggest problem is it will be 30 minutes to TFCA as opposed to 10. But, I can handle it. If we are in Shelbyville we would get free cable, phone and internet through Tim's work. Now that I can handle! :) So, here's praying we get the house listed by this Wednesday and have it sold quickly.
Today was a good day here at the house. I was able to accomplish quite a lot. All the rooms are clean and no one is coming to visit. ;) I have done laundry, cooked, designed an ad for the sale of our house, talked with Nele on chat, taken the kids to and from school, and it's only 3:45pm! Yeah, I'm tired, but that's nothing new. I'm always tired.
Plus I have eaten well. This has been somewhat of an issue (as if you couldn't tell) for me the last several years. I have recently signed on to fitday.com and this is helping me to keep up with my eating habits and activities. So far I have actually lost 3 pounds. I know this doesn't sound like much, but if I can maintain this amount of weight loss for the next 6 months I will be on my way back to my old self. It's pretty exciting.
As for the rest of the family, Joseph is doing well. He had a great day at school. I don't know about Krissi yet. She is at school until about 7pm tonight because of musical rehearsal (FCHS is doing "Guys and Dolls" in March...it should be fun). Yesterday was a good day for her because she met with some people from SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) in Louisville and got some great feedback on her portfolio and her admission packet. She was very happy about the way things turned out. Tim is still working hard in Louisville. He is really starting to dislike the drive so this is a major factor for our selling the house. We are hoping to be on the other side of town in either Bentwoods or Cedar Creek, or out Hwy 151 or 395. There is a great possibility we can even be out as far as Osprey Cove in Shelbyville! I'm still not completely sold on that idea, but it would mean a 20 minute commute for Tim as opposed to an hour! It would mean 20 minutes to The Point rather than the 15 it takes now. The biggest problem is it will be 30 minutes to TFCA as opposed to 10. But, I can handle it. If we are in Shelbyville we would get free cable, phone and internet through Tim's work. Now that I can handle! :) So, here's praying we get the house listed by this Wednesday and have it sold quickly.
Sunday, February 11, 2007

A great, big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my favorite people...REW!!! Andrew is, what?, like really old now. HA! Just kidding...I liked being 27, but I wouldn't go back for anything.
Rew...did you eat your doughnut? I worked really hard on that this morning. I was in the preschool area while working on it, and Linely asked how old you are and when I told her I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head! Heehee. Then Lizzy said, "Ms Cawi, why is Andwew so old?" I didn't know what to tell them. It was a horrifying moment.
Anyway, I hope you have a good one! You deserve it.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
The Cutest Boy in the World!!!
Being a part of TFCA requires that kids step it up academically. This is something that Tim and I both agree with and think is wonderful. Joseph has been challenged during his short time there and he continues to grow. The best part about TFCA is the simple fact that Jesus Christ is central to everything they do.
Now, as for academically, TFCA students are really above par. Joseph is doing great in this area (in all areas actually) and we couldn't be more proud. Today was a special day for Joseph since it was his first ACSI Speech Meet. He had to go into a room with 3 judges and recite a poem that was chosen by this teacher. The poem is short, but the fact that Joseph was willing and able to do this very important task speaks volumes about Mrs. Cull (his teacher), Mrs. Wilcox (his speech teacher), and Mrs. Jones (his OT teacher). We are thankful to all of them for their hard work and dedication. I hope that all of you enjoy this video. If for some reason you cannot view it please let me know so I can try and fix it. ENJOY!!
Now, as for academically, TFCA students are really above par. Joseph is doing great in this area (in all areas actually) and we couldn't be more proud. Today was a special day for Joseph since it was his first ACSI Speech Meet. He had to go into a room with 3 judges and recite a poem that was chosen by this teacher. The poem is short, but the fact that Joseph was willing and able to do this very important task speaks volumes about Mrs. Cull (his teacher), Mrs. Wilcox (his speech teacher), and Mrs. Jones (his OT teacher). We are thankful to all of them for their hard work and dedication. I hope that all of you enjoy this video. If for some reason you cannot view it please let me know so I can try and fix it. ENJOY!!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Ahhhh...college, how I miss thee.
Today Krissi and I went took the afternoon away from the boys to attend the National College Fair in Louisville. It was fun and seeing all the kids rushing around and trying to get the attention of recruiters made me miss the college life. While my college days were not trouble free I did have a fabulous time (as reflected in my grades the first go-round at Jacksonville State University--sorry Mom and Dad). My first four years were spent socializing and basically learning the ropes of the university while trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I will say this...it is a VERY expensive way to find yourself. :) I was a music major (clainet, then piano, then finally voice) for the majority of time at Jax State. I was a very proud member of the Southerners. If you don't know who or what that is then you simply must check it out. We were and they still are awesome. However, while all of that was fun, the best thing to happen to me at Jax State was to earn my MRS degree (love ya, babe). I met my Mr. during my fourth year there. Our first date was on December 2nd, 1992 when he took a very thin and voiceless me out to a basketball game. Some of you are probably thinking that my not having a voice kept me quiet and that's how I won him over, but that is entirely untrue. I cheered our Jacksonville Gamecocks on to victory as I always did, then we went to Taco Bell for a late dinner. It was a perfect night and I knew that we would get married. And, yes, nine months later, on August 14, 1993 we were wed in the small town of Ringgold, GA.
I just realized I went way off subject. Anyway, back to college. After getting married Tim went to UK to study library science and I worked. After that we moved to Cincinnati for Tim's job with the public library there, and I finally ended up at NKU where I received my bachelor's degree in Anthropology. What can you do with a degree of this sort. Good question. With a bachelor's...not much. However, if you get your graduate degree or move on to get your doctorate, then you can be a great number of things. When I first started out I had every intention of going all the way through to finish my doctorate and work as a professor. But, God had a much greater plan in mind for me...MOTHERHOOD! Joseph came into our lives only a year and 3 months after my graduation. I am currently a stay-at-home mom and loving every minute of it.
So...I guess I don't really miss college. I was just missing being less responsible. ;) At any rate, my boys are home now and I missed them so I am going to spend some quality time with the family. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone, and hopefully I will post again soon.
PS - Krissi got some great information at the college fair, and I picked up some stuff to send to Nele. It was a good day.
I just realized I went way off subject. Anyway, back to college. After getting married Tim went to UK to study library science and I worked. After that we moved to Cincinnati for Tim's job with the public library there, and I finally ended up at NKU where I received my bachelor's degree in Anthropology. What can you do with a degree of this sort. Good question. With a bachelor's...not much. However, if you get your graduate degree or move on to get your doctorate, then you can be a great number of things. When I first started out I had every intention of going all the way through to finish my doctorate and work as a professor. But, God had a much greater plan in mind for me...MOTHERHOOD! Joseph came into our lives only a year and 3 months after my graduation. I am currently a stay-at-home mom and loving every minute of it.
So...I guess I don't really miss college. I was just missing being less responsible. ;) At any rate, my boys are home now and I missed them so I am going to spend some quality time with the family. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone, and hopefully I will post again soon.
PS - Krissi got some great information at the college fair, and I picked up some stuff to send to Nele. It was a good day.