His promise.........Jeremiah 29:11
I live in Shelbyville, KY with my awesome husband, Tim, and our incredible 8 year old son, Joseph. I was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and moved to the central KY area 15 years ago when Tim and I married on August 14, 1993. My time in KY has been a huge blessing in my life and I look forward to seeing where the Lord will lead me.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

This goes out to the best Daddy in all the world, Ed Watson (my dad, duh!). He has always been there for me, encouraged me, and loved me in good times and bad.
I grew up in Chattanooga, TN which is a beautiful place. There are lots of dogwood trees there and it's one of the things that I miss about TN. When I was little my dad used to take me outside and talk to me about the legend of the dogwood tree and the part it had to play in the life and death of Christ. I have never forgotten this. It was so gentle the way he told me, and I got the precious treasure of my dad sharing his faith with me. One day, after I had moved away from home, I was in a Christian bookstore and came upon a card that had the dogwood flower and the very legend that my daddy had told me about printed on it. I was so excited about it and bought one for him and one for me. Every time I see a dogwood I think about that special moment and then reflect on what Christ did for me.
Thanks, Daddy, for loving me the way you do, and thank you for taking the time to share your faith with me. I can't wait to see you in a week!
For those of you that do not know the legend of the dogwood you can read about it at http://www.midamericawoodcarvers.org/patterns/dogwood.htm
Friday, June 15, 2007
I think I'm getting old

I turned 36 years old today. Wow. I'm getting old. Actually, it doesn't surprise me. I have been feeling older the last year or so and this is the natural thing that happens. I know I'm old because I can't listen to music very loud anymore (bummer), my joints are starting to hurt when I stand up, getting up off the floor is a major deal (which usually keeps me from getting there in the first place), getting off the couch is a major deal (which usually causes me to ponder the need for a second glass of sweet tea), I tend to think twice about what I'm going to eat at certain times of the day (ie, no cheese after 8pm), I have a hard time sleeping in (8am seems late to me), and I can't seem to go one night without having to get up at least once to pee (too much information? too bad...grow-up....I'm old).
Just a few weeks ago we played wiffle ball as a family in the front yard and it was all I could do the next morning to get out of bed. I was sore! That seems to happen more and more these days. Guess I should hit the gym every once in a while, huh? Oh well....that day will come, but right now I'm too busy.
Today was good, though. Joe and I got up early, went to get some breakfast, got my hair cut (cute if I do say so myself), came home to get Krissi, went to Louisville to pick up Tim, drove through Taco Bell for lunch (sorry, Nele...I know you are jealous), went to Shelbyville to pick out a house, drove back to Louisville to take Tim back to work, did a little shopping in Louisville for Father's Day, came home to Frankfort for about 2 hours, met the family at Johnny Carino's for my b-day dinner, came home and watered the lawn, and now I'm in for the night. Whew. I'm exhausted. Maybe I will sleep until 8:15 tomorrow to make-up for it.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
red tape...........

Holy moly! The things you have to go through to get a passport these days!!!! It's crazy. Tim and I already have our passports, but we have needed to get one for Joe for a long time now. So we took some time this morning and went to the post office to complete the paperwork. Oy! It's actually a lot like what we had to go through with the adoption. We had to get signatures and notaries for all sorts of stuff since Joseph is adopted. No problem. We did that. But then we had to work very hard to convince the clerk that in fact the documents that we were showing as proof of citizenship and guardianship were actually our documents and the ones that the State Department wants to see. Well....2 trips, a tank of gas, and $180 later the application was finally mailed off to Washington. I'm just glad it's over and we are hoping that we get it without anymore problems. We'll see........
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Going, Going, GONE!

We have an offer on our house and we have decided to accept it. It's a good price, and I think the person buying it is going to be very happy here. The interesting part is we have to close on or before the 29th of this month. That's not a huge deal for us since we would rather get it over with as soon as possible, but it kind of throws everything on my schedule into a tizzy. Joseph is pretty happy about it because now he will be able to go to the "cool pool" in Shelbyville. I'm looking forward to this move and how it's going to change things for us. God is blessing us in a major way through this and I just love it when I get to see His promises come to be. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. :-)
Friday, June 08, 2007
Today's agenda

Today we are going to Expo with Melinda and the kids. This is one of Joseph's favorite things to do in the summer. It is fun. He loves getting to ride the train and eating foods that are delicious, but horrible for your health. I like that part, too. I usually find something I want to purchase in the lower portion where they have all the cool booths set up. I'm excited and curious to know what it will be this year.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Big Blur

The last couple of days are a bit of a blur. I have had a lot on my plate and somehow I have managed to get a lot of stuff done. I haven't kept up with phone calls, exactly, but I have to start somewhere.
Yesterday I spent most of time working on things related to adoption. I met with Faith and Rick about the Adoption Ministry that we are starting at TPCC. In addition to this we had our second homestudy for our latest adoption adventure. It's an adventure because you just never know what's going to happen and how things are going to go. So far in our journey with Joseph we have been so blessed! Each day is something new and exciting. It's fun!!!
Since I have had adoption on the brain lately I decided to get on Google today and see what popped up when I used adoption in the search line. Wow!! Lots of good stuff out there compared to what was there just 6 years ago. But there was one negative thing. It's some sort of petition that is going around asking for an end to adoption. It talks about how awful adoption is and how people who adopt are kidding themselves, etc. I was stunned. What has happened to these people that these are their feelings? And these people were talking about ALL adoptions, not just those adoptions that are illegal. How could someone look at my beautiful son and our incredible relationship with him and say that it's bad? I just don't understand people.
On a much happier note, I spent the majority of my day working with my good friend Vicki B on how we can come together and improve her businesses. She is a Pampered Chef Consultant and a realtor. She does a great job with both, but by working together we are hoping to make it more efficient. I think it will work, but only time will tell.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Ramblings from my tired brain.
I'm pretty tired. I haven't slept all that well in the past several days. I keep having pains in my legs and feet. They are like dull aches that come on pretty fast and slowly go away. Just when I think that all is good again and I'm getting back to sleep another one comes on. It's not good getting old.
Speaking of getting old...this is fair warning to all you readers out there--my birthday is only 11 days away. I'm not telling you this because I'm planning on exploding or anything. It's just a notice so that you know how many days you have left to go out and purchase something FABULOUS to give me for my birthday.
I'm horrible about waiting for presents so it should be no surprise that I already have a couple of my gifts. The first one I received was a framed picture of Joe that Melinda took in her studio. I was blown away! It is so good and she was able to really capture the true Joseph. I'm not going to post this picture so if you want to see it you will have to come visit me. My second gift is a pair of Mary Jane Crocs (in chocolate, of course). No they are not coated in chocolate (although, how glorious would that be!) they are chocolate in color. Tim picked this up today. They are very hard to find so I'm glad he was able to find them.
I've been trying to think of what else I could possibly want for my birthday. I know that I would like to have another pair of Kari McGrath earrings. I love all the ones that I have now, but a girl can't have too many gorgeous earrings. A new praise and worship CD would be good, too. There really isn't much else that I want.
A really good birthday present would be a contract on the house. It was shown both yesterday and today so hopefully something good will come out of that. We are scheduled, I think, to have an open house this weekend so if the others don't pan out then we have that to fall back on. I think it can happen.
I have to say that my house looks MARVELOUS! We have worked hard to keep it in great shape for showing at a moments notice. This came in handy for the last minute showing that happened today. I got the call at 11:52 that it was needing to be shown at 12:30. Yikes....no, not really. Everything looked great and I was out of the house in 10 minutes (and that's after cleaning up from breakfast and keeping up with the boy!).
It rained good and hard yesterday for about 15 minutes. It was great to see the earth get the water it needed. It also rained again today, but only for about 5 seconds. I have tried watering the yard just a little every few days for the past several weeks, but I don't want to be a burden on the water supply. I'm hoping that we will get some good summer showers through here to keep the ground and plants looking healthy. Kentucky is so pretty when everything is green and blooming.
We had a really good service at The Point Community Church yesterday. Rick did an EXCELLENT job with the sermon that God had given him, and the music was wonderful! There was a person that accepted Christ as their Savior so that was truly a blessing! People just seemed to be on fire for the Lord yesterday. It was a great thing to be a part of. From what I counted there were about 175 in worship...that did not include the nursery workers or the kids being cared for. I think we could easily estimate that there were 200 people there. That's really good for a church that is only 18 months old AND it being summer. God is doing such a mighty work there. I just praise him every day for leading my family and me to be a part of it all. In case you are in the Frankfort area and don't have a church home please stop by for worship on Sundays at 10am. You WON'T be sorry you did!
Speaking of getting old...this is fair warning to all you readers out there--my birthday is only 11 days away. I'm not telling you this because I'm planning on exploding or anything. It's just a notice so that you know how many days you have left to go out and purchase something FABULOUS to give me for my birthday.
I'm horrible about waiting for presents so it should be no surprise that I already have a couple of my gifts. The first one I received was a framed picture of Joe that Melinda took in her studio. I was blown away! It is so good and she was able to really capture the true Joseph. I'm not going to post this picture so if you want to see it you will have to come visit me. My second gift is a pair of Mary Jane Crocs (in chocolate, of course). No they are not coated in chocolate (although, how glorious would that be!) they are chocolate in color. Tim picked this up today. They are very hard to find so I'm glad he was able to find them.
I've been trying to think of what else I could possibly want for my birthday. I know that I would like to have another pair of Kari McGrath earrings. I love all the ones that I have now, but a girl can't have too many gorgeous earrings. A new praise and worship CD would be good, too. There really isn't much else that I want.
A really good birthday present would be a contract on the house. It was shown both yesterday and today so hopefully something good will come out of that. We are scheduled, I think, to have an open house this weekend so if the others don't pan out then we have that to fall back on. I think it can happen.
I have to say that my house looks MARVELOUS! We have worked hard to keep it in great shape for showing at a moments notice. This came in handy for the last minute showing that happened today. I got the call at 11:52 that it was needing to be shown at 12:30. Yikes....no, not really. Everything looked great and I was out of the house in 10 minutes (and that's after cleaning up from breakfast and keeping up with the boy!).
It rained good and hard yesterday for about 15 minutes. It was great to see the earth get the water it needed. It also rained again today, but only for about 5 seconds. I have tried watering the yard just a little every few days for the past several weeks, but I don't want to be a burden on the water supply. I'm hoping that we will get some good summer showers through here to keep the ground and plants looking healthy. Kentucky is so pretty when everything is green and blooming.
We had a really good service at The Point Community Church yesterday. Rick did an EXCELLENT job with the sermon that God had given him, and the music was wonderful! There was a person that accepted Christ as their Savior so that was truly a blessing! People just seemed to be on fire for the Lord yesterday. It was a great thing to be a part of. From what I counted there were about 175 in worship...that did not include the nursery workers or the kids being cared for. I think we could easily estimate that there were 200 people there. That's really good for a church that is only 18 months old AND it being summer. God is doing such a mighty work there. I just praise him every day for leading my family and me to be a part of it all. In case you are in the Frankfort area and don't have a church home please stop by for worship on Sundays at 10am. You WON'T be sorry you did!