To sell, perchance to move.

Our home has now been on the market for two months. This is really nothing of note, except the fact that we have never had this much trouble selling a house! We have shown the house many, many times and each time the people have nothing but positive things to say. For example, "I just love the layout. It flows so well." or "There are so many features that you can't find in a lot of homes in this neighborhood. You all have done a nice job with this house." and even "I can totally see myself living here. I just love it!" Okay then....BUY IT! Inevitably there has been something that keeps them from making an offer. We just don't know what it is. Several buyers have talked about bringing family back with them, or viewing it a second time, but then they never do. This is the hardest part about being For Sale By Owner.
We have friends who have offered to list the house. We have actually considered it, but we are going to give it a few more weeks. Yesterday we held an open house and one couple (okay, okay, the only couple) who came to see it really liked it and the man even went under the house to look around. I'm hoping to hear back from them today or tomorrow to schedule another showing. I'm really ready to move on.
On another note...I have discovered some cleaning tips for those of you out there who are thinking about selling, but don't think you have the money to fix up your house to be ready to show. We initially had our ad stating that we were giving a carpet and paint allowance. I just kept looking around and seeing marks on the walls and spots on the flooring and couldn't bare to thought of someone thinking I wanted them to buy the house without some sort of compensation for how bad it looked. We don't have the money to paint the whole house, plus with vaulted ceilings I have no idea how I would do it. So I went online and did some research on cheap ways to make your walls and floors look better. I learned that the Mr. Clean Magic Sponge is one of the most awesome inventions of our time (next to wrinkle releaser)! I bought several and went to work on the walls. Lo and behold!...they work like magic! Years of wear, dirt, and markings from heaven only knows what came off easily and without messing up my walls. I'm now addicted to the sponges and I won't ever go without them in my cleaning arsenal again.
The second tool is Goo Gone. I always knew this stuff was good, but had no idea what all it could be used for. I learned that it can take scuff marks off of vinyl flooring. Joseph and Krissi both have shoes that are, or were, wreaking havoc on my kitchen floor and I was desperate to make them look better. Again, we have no money for putting down new flooring so I needed a cheaper solution. I spent about 2 hours on Saturday night getting all the scuff marks up off the floor (trust me....there were a lot of them). The kitchen floor now looks like new. So, I have spent a total of $14.68 and my walls and floor look great! It's the best money ever spent on cleaning supplies. My house looks awesome now and I have removed the offer of an allowance from our ad. I think it will make a huge difference. I pray that we sell real soon.